Our History
In the mid-1950s, Dr. H.N. Sutherland, a local physician, challenged the people of Ely. He had a dream for a new hospital that the community could be proud of for generations to come. Would the community agree? Would the project receive the funding it needed? Of course. Mr. Abe Bloomenson, an Elyite who had moved to Duluth, wanted to do something for his hometown. His gift of $100,000 substantiated a $550,000 bond issue for the new hospital. With support from then Mayor Grahek, City Council, local labor unions, and citizens, the bond issue passed. Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital—named in gratitude to Mr. Bloomenson—was completed and dedicated on February 22, 1958.

Historical Photo Gallery
The Hospital Founders

(L-R) Dr. H.N. Sutherland, Mr. Abe Bloomenson, & Mayor Grahek
Ely City Council 1958

Ladies Hospital Auxiliary Board 1958

Ely Board of Directors 1958

The original Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital

February 1958
Tanner Hospital

Tanner Hospital was built in 1905 and named for Finnish doctor Anterro Tanner. The view of Shagawa Lake from the turret windows was therapeutic for patients recovering from surgery. The building was known as Carpenter’s Hospital several years later when Dr. Carroll Carpenter took over administration. It later became the Lakeview apartment complex. The landmark is now simply known as the “castle” and is awaiting some renovation and a creative use.